Welcome to Menddie's weekly blog. We aim to bring you interesting stories and information about clothing repair and care, and to give you a closer view of everyday lives of our seamstresses. Thank you for being part of creating a more sustainable ways to keep clothes and accessories in use for as long as possible 💚



PAPU REPAIR : Papu korjauspalvelu ja tuotetakuu Aloitamme yhteistyön korjauspalveluita tarjoavan Menddien kanssa. Paras vastuullisuusteko, jonka yrityksenä voimme tehdä on, että valmistamme...

Reima Repair: Reima introduces in-app Repair services with partner Menddie

Reima's existing program Reima Rescue has a new feature: in addition to reselling your much-loved gear, you can also repair it! All through the Reima App. The Reima Repair service has been...

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